Company officials attended the 2nd CIIE in 2019

    The 2nd China International Import Expo is sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. The Chinese government firmly supports the major measures of trade liberalization and economic globalization, and actively opens its markets to the world, which is conducive to promoting the strengthening of economic and trade exchanges and cooperation among countries in the world, promoting global trade and world economic growth, and promoting the development of an open world economy. From November 5 to 10, 2019, the 2nd China International Import Expo was held in China Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and related activities of the 2nd China International Import Expo and Hongqiao International Economic Forum held in Shanghai and delivered a keynote speech.

Company officials attended the 2nd CIIE in 2019

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